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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Sie fragen, wir antworten

Will your glasses be available in stores in the future?

The addresses given in Dresden are not retail spaces with direct sales. That is why our glasses are currently only available online. We plan to offer our glasses in stores in the future. You can expect to buy our goods in a shop in Salzburg from May 2019. Other providers will follow shortly.

Do you sell gift vouchers?

You can either redeem or buy your gift voucher directly from us, by telephone or using our online form.

Our vouchers do not apply to the purchase of our products in retail stores.

Please note:

  • Only one promotional voucher may be redeemed per order

  • Vouchers cannot be paid out

  • Lost vouchers cannot be refunded

  • Vouchers are valid for 3 years

How much are the transportation costs?

We calculate transportation costs based on actual costs. A general statement is therefore not possible in this regard. However, we will inform you on our invoice about the transport costs incurred.

How long does it take for the goods to arrive at me?

We deliver glasses in Germany within approximately two to seven weeks. We keep all items in stock. In exceptional cases, however, items may be sold out and the delivery time for these products may increase. Custom-made products have a delivery time of around four to ten weeks.
We are happy to deliver to other regions. For the holiday regions of Europe and all other countries, we will be happy to inform you about the procedure and types of freight upon request. We calculate parcel deliveries outside of Germany at the actual postage costs.

How can I settle my bill?

You can conveniently pay for your order by invoice. Our invoices are due without deduction within two weeks of receipt. The goods remain the property of our company until final payment.
If we are unable to receive payment two weeks after receiving the invoice, we will send you a friendly reminder for the open invoice. If we have not received any payment after a further two weeks, you will be reminded of the outstanding amount. We charge a flat rate of € 7.00 for this. In this case, you will receive another two weeks for the settlement of your open items. After this period, the amount will be reminded again. For this we charge you a further € 7.00 reminder fee. If you do not pay the open invoice within 7 days, the amount to be paid, including the lump-sum payment, will be given to our collection partner.

My purchased goods do not match the product that I bought before I changed owners?

With the relaunch of the E.Stanka brand by Ms. Moll, we have revised our range and defined fixed standards. For example, a certain number of corners were defined for all corner glasses. As a result, our glasses may differ from those of our previous owners in the wall thickness, thickness of the button and the number of corners. We do not guarantee in these cases.

Is it possible to return or exchange my purchased products?

With the receipt of our invoice we grant you to pay it within 2 weeks. During this period it is also possible that you can exchange or return your goods. After paying the invoice or at the latest after this two-week period, a complaint about your purchased products is no longer possible.

Is it possible to order the glasses only for a first view?

We generally do not offer this option to our customers. In exceptional cases, we hand over a large order for 30 glasses or more for temporary viewing. However, this only happens in individual cases and with prior agreement. The exact conditions are set individually by us accordingly.


Stauffenbergallee 4, 01099 Dresden;

+49 (0) 152 06042069

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